IOS Device Pairing SDK

This SDK includes the logic part and UI interface of Aqara device network distribution; the iOS version that the SDK depends on cannot be lower than 11.0
Compiler environment: XCode14.0 or above
Language: Object-C

Integrated SDK

1.Environment Build

The Device Pairing SDK needs to use the permission functions of HomeKit and Wi-Fi, and the host project needs to add the following Capability:

1. Homeikit
2. Wireless Accessory Configuration

2.Permission Profile

The SDK needs to apply to iOS for the following system permissions:

1.NSHomeKitUsageDescription Access to HomeKit 2.NSCameraUsageDescription Camera access permission (scan the QR code on the device for network configuration) 3.NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription Local network search authority (Device Pairing by LAN) 4.NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription Use geographic location permission (mobile phone obtains WiFi name, iOS 13 needs to confirm that the App has enabled the location permission. iOS 14 needs to confirm that the App has enabled the precise location permission. If the WiFi name is still not obtained after the above configuration, the developer needs to deal with it separately, such as Manually enter the WiFi name).

  1. NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription Obtain Bluetooth permission (Device Pairing by Bluetooth)
  2. NSBonjourServicesUse the mDNS service to discover Greenmi devices, and set the service name "_aqara._tcp."

You can quickly add the following configuration in the info.plist file of the host project:

<plist version="1.0">
   <string>Allows the app to use the camera to add accessories</string>
   <string>Allow this App to control HomeKit-enabled devices</string>
   <string>Need to use local network to discover device information on LAN</string>
   <string>Need your location information to provide better service</string>
   <string>Allow this app to use bluetooth connection</string>
3.Required third-party pod dependencies

The SDK needs to use the following third-party frameworks:

pod 'Masonry'
pod 'TTTAttributedLabel'
pod 'ZBarSDK', '~>1.3.1'
pod 'SDWebImage', '5.3.0'
pod 'YYModel'
pod 'MJRefresh'
pod 'KVOController'
pod 'AFNetworking', '3.2.0'
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
4.Import SDK

The following SDK needs to be imported in the host project:

  1. LMDeviceAccessNet.framework SDK packaged with device pairing UI
  2. LMSmartConnect.framework Bluetooth module and AP device pairing logic SDK
  3. LMAppleHomeConnect.framework HomeKit-related API packaging SDK
  4. LMFramework.framework Basic SDK, basic configuration of Aqara, macro definition and encapsulation of general logic


  1. LMAccessNet.bundle Picture resources related to device pairing
  2. LMFramework.bundle Aqara multilingual files

SDK initialization

Introduce the header file in the Controller that needs to pull up the Aqara Device Pairing:

#import <LMDeviceAccessNet/LMDeviceAccessNet.h>
#import <LMFramework/LMFramework.h>
Configure the SDK
+ (void)setServer:(NSString*)host appId:(NSString*)appId appKey:(NSString*)appKey iconBaseUrl:(NSString *)iconBaseUrl;
Parameter Description
host Aqara device pairing domain name (see open platform)
appId APPID applied from the open platform
appKey APPKey matched with APPID
iconBaseUrl The path of some CDN pictures in the device pairing UI layer


[LMOpenSDK setServer:@"" appId:@"7be19xxxxxxxxxxxxx" appKey:@"JddzxxxxxxxxxxIHfW8E3" iconBaseUrl:@""];

Configure the server address and server area code of the device:

+ (void)setCoapServer:(NSString*)coapServer;
+ (void)setCountryCode:(NSString*)countryCode;
Parameter Description
coapServer The server address of the device
countryCode Country code


[LMOpenSDK setCoapServer:@""];
[LMOpenSDK setCountryCode:@"CHN"];

Configure the server address and server area code of the device:

- (void)setAccessNetHomeId:(NSString *)homeId;
+ (void)setUserId:(NSString*)userId  token:(NSString*)token;
Parameter Description
homeId Home Position ID
userId User ID
token User token
[LMAccessNetUISDK.sharedInstance setAccessNetHomeId:@"real1.103xxxxxx4"];
[LMOpenSDK setUserId:@"431xxxxxx.xxxxxxx153527809" token:@"ad46dbxxxxxxxxx1fcee1"];
List of device with Device Pairing

Jump to the Aqara configuration page in the host APP:

[LMAccessNetUISDK.sharedInstance pushSupportedDeviceListPage];
Enter the single-device device pairing process
Parameter Description
model The model value of the device (queried from the Aqara open platform)
completion Return controller object/error information
-(void)presentSingleDeviceAccessNetWithModel:(NSString *)model completion:(void (^)(UIViewController *controller, NSError *error))completion;


[[LMAccessNetUISDK sharedInstance] presentSingleDeviceAccessNetWithModel:@"lumi.plug.macn01" completion:^(UIViewController * _Nonnull controller, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    if(controller) {
        LMNavigationController *navi  = [[LMNavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:controller];
        navi.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;
        [self presentViewController:navi animated:YES completion:nil];
    } else {
        [LHTipsUtils showError:error];

How to switch back after successful network distribution:

LMAccessNetUISDK.sharedInstance.accessNetCallBack = ^(id  _Nonnull response, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
    NSLog(@"accessNetCallBack = %@", response);
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