Virtual Account Authorization Mode

If the developer already has its own account system and wants to integrate Aqara devices to enrich its own IoT ecosystem, but does not want users to perceive two sets of accounts, namely the Aqara account and its own account, they can integrate the Aqara device SDK in their own APP which binds the Aqara device to the specified virtual account to realize the interconnection.

  • Virtual account: refers to the virtual aqara account created through the interface, and the user can bind devices to the virtual account through the open SDK or implementation tools.

The sequence diagram of the authorization process is shown below.


Step 1 Create an virtual account through developer's identification account id, and obtain the virtual user's unique identifier id ( openid)

  • API intent: config.auth.createAccount
  • Description: Create a virtual Aqara account through the provided developer ID(accountId) to realize the connection with the third-party account system. Virtual accounts cannot be used in the Aqara Home App, and need to be used with SDK.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
accountId String Yes The identity account id created by the developer is guaranteed to be unique under the appId
remark String No remark
needAccessToken Boolean No true: need to return accessToken; false: do not need to return accessToken
accessTokenValidity String No Access token valid time, default is 7d, support 1~24h (hour), 1~30d (day), 1~10y (year), the validity period of refreshToken is the access token’s expiration date plus 30 days
  • Request Demo:
  "intent": "config.auth.createAccount",
  "data": {
    "accountId": "18900001234",
    "remark": "lumi-1"
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
openId String virtual authorized user's unique identifier
expiresIn String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s. Return when needAccessToken is true.
accessToken String Access token. Return when needAccessToken is true.
refreshToken String Refresh token, the validity period of refreshToken is the access token’s expiration date plus 30 days. Return when needAccessToken is true.
  • Response demo:
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "openId": "xxx"

Step 2 Obtain the authorization verification code through developer's identification account id

  • API intent: config.auth.getAuthCode
  • Description: This interface is used to obtain the authorization verification code. The verification code is valid for 10 minutes.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
account String Yes Developer's virtual account
accountType int Yes Account Type, 2-Virtual account
accessTokenValidity String No Access token valid time, default is 7d, support 1~24h (hour), 1~30d (day), 1~10y (year), the validity period of refreshToken is the access token’s expiration date plus 30 days
  • Request Demo:
  "intent": "config.auth.getAuthCode",
  "data": {
    "account": "189000123456",
    "accountType": 1,
    "accessTokenValidity": "1h"
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
authCode String Return when accountType is 2. The authCode is valid for 10 minutes.
  • Response demo:
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "authCode": "xxxx"

Step 3 Obtain the accessToken through the authorization verification code

  • API intent: config.auth.getToken
  • Description: Before the authorization code expires, obtain the accessToken through the authorization code. The default validity period of the access token is 7 days, and the validity period can be customized through the "config.auth.getAuthCode" interface.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
authCode String Yes The authCode requested in the previous step
account String Yes Developer's virtual account.
accountType Integer Yes Account Type, 2-Virtual account
  • Request Demo:
  "intent": "config.auth.getToken",
  "data": {
    "authCode": "xxxx",
    "account": "xxx",
    "accountType": 0
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
expiresIn String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s.
openId String Authorized user's unique identifier
accessToken String Access token
refreshToken String Refresh token, the validity period of refreshToken is the access token’s expiration date plus 30 days.
  • Response demo:
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "expiresIn": "86400",
    "openId": "593652793976837702248177061889",
    "accessToken": "b8001e1893f5e4316a4f8c3b47df3720",
    "refreshToken": "ddd9dc7e9ec7b772e852121ed2fe75aa"

Step 4 Refresh the accessToken through refreshToken to obtain new accessToken and refreshToken

  • API intent: config.auth.refreshToken
  • Description: Before the accessToken expires, refresh the access token with refreshToken through this interface. The refreshToken duration defaults to the period of accessToken + 30 days.
  • Request parameters
Name Type Is required? Description
refreshToken String Yes Refresh token
  • Request Demo
  "intent": "config.auth.refreshToken",
  "data": {
    "refreshToken": "xxxx"
  • Response parameters
Name Type Description
expiresIn String The remaining valid time of the access token, the unit is s.
openId String Authorized user's unique identifier
accessToken String New access token
refreshToken String New refresh token
  • Response demo
  "code": 0,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": "Success",
  "msgDetails": null,
  "result": {
    "expiresIn": "86400",
    "openId": "593652793976837702248177061889",
    "accessToken": "b8001e1893f5e4316a4f8c3b47df3720",
    "refreshToken": "ddd9dc7e9ec7b772e852121ed2fe75aa"
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