
  • Head: HTTP request message header.
  • Body: Request data body.
  • Cloud: LUMI IoT platform.
  • Appid: The ID assigned to the third-party application by the cloud, same as appid.
  • Appkey: The secret key assigned to the third-party application by the cloud, same as appkey.
  • Hub device: A central hub for connecting and managing multiple Zigbee sensors and controllers, connected to the cloud via WiFi.
  • Sub-device: The products connected by ZigBee wireless communication protocol are mainly divided into sensing devices and control devices. The sensing device realizes automatic detection and control through sensing functions such as temperature, humidity, illumination, displacement, etc., and is mainly used as an automatic trigger device. The control device performs corresponding actions according to the control command, such as power-on, turn-on, etc., and is mainly used as a scene and an automated execution device.
  • Time zone: GMT time, currently only the Hub device has time zone.
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